
Showing posts from June, 2011

10 Most useful Internet browsing short-cut keys.....

While Typying website address in .com you don't need to type the full address. Eg :  suppose you are going visit You don't need to type full address.   Just Type  Palpalimilan.blogspot  and Press Ctrl+Enter ( holding ctrl key)  Press Ctrl + plus (+) will to zoom in or increase the font size.  or Press ctrl + dash ( - ) to zoom out or decrease the font size . .... .... ... the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali sayari photo, nepali sad status, nepali sayare, funny nepali poem, nepali gajal sangraha, nepali sentimental shayari, nepali saeri, nepali kabata, love poem nepali, nepali poem aama, nepali poen, nepali poems in nepali language, nepali poem for children, nepali lekh haru, gopal singh nepali poems, nepali po...