
Showing posts from April, 2015

*** अस्मीजिका गजलहरु ***

***  नेपालकी छोरी हुँ म *** नेपालकी छोरी हुँ म काली भन्छन मलाई ! देशै भरि फुल्ने फूलको डाली भन्छन मलाई ! सबैलाई खुशी बाँडी डाँडा काँडा डुल्दै बस्ने नेपालीको सान अनि ताली भन्छन मलाई !! तराई,पहाड़,हिमाल सबै एउटै ठान्ने प्रकृतिको रखवाली माली भन्छन मलाई !! funny post, funny, funny memes, funny facts, funny things to post, funny jokes, funny post for fb, funny post for facebook, funny video, funny pictures, funny jokes, funny jokes for kids, funny jokes for teens, funny jokes to tell, funny jokes clean, funny jokes for adults, funny jokes in spanish, funny jokes 2020, funny jokes dirty, funny jokes to tell your friends, jokes, jokes for kids, jokes post, jokes to post on facebook, jokes in hindi, jokes for all ages, jokes of all time, jokes for teens, jokes about coronavirus, jokes in english,poems, poems for kids, poems about love, poems with the same theme, poems that start with the same letter, poems about life, poems for children, poems about add, poe...

Jerryy New Nepali Movie

 Jerryy  New Nepali Movie Jerryy is a new nepali movie by Hemraj B.C. director of popular nepali movie HOSTEL. Starring: Anmol K.C. , Anna Sharma, Amalia Sharma, Abhishek Man Sherchan, Yash SJB Rana C in the lead role . Most of the scenes had been shot at beautiful Mustang. funny post, funny, funny memes, funny facts, funny things to post, funny jokes, funny post for fb, funny post for facebook, funny video, funny pictures, funny jokes, funny jokes for kids, funny jokes for teens, funny jokes to tell, funny jokes clean, funny jokes for adults, funny jokes in spanish, funny jokes 2020, funny jokes dirty, funny jokes to tell your friends, jokes, jokes for kids, jokes post, jokes to post on facebook, jokes in hindi, jokes for all ages, jokes of all time, jokes for teens, jokes about coronavirus, jokes in english,poems, poems for kids, poems about love, poems with the same theme, poems that start with the same letter, poems about life, poems for children...

New Year SMS and Massage - Happy New Year SMS in Nepali, Hindi and in English .

Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear, Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear Let all ur Dreams be Clear, Never put Tear, Please Hear, I want to tell one thing in ur Ear Wishing u a very Happy NEW YEAR 2072 मनभरिका इच्छा अनि तृस्णा मनभरिका इच्छा अनि तृस्णा सजाएका कल्पना अनि सपना गुम्सिएका मनका चहानाहरु बनोस सबै बिपना यहि छ नयाँ वर्ष २०७२ को शुभकामना funny post, funny, funny memes, funny facts, funny things to post, funny jokes, funny post for fb, funny post for facebook, funny video, funny pictures, funny jokes, funny jokes for kids, funny jokes for teens, funny jokes to tell, funny jokes clean, funny jokes for adults, funny jokes in spanish, funny jokes 2020, funny jokes dirty, funny jokes to tell your friends, jokes, jokes for kids, jokes post, jokes to post on facebook, jokes in hindi, jokes for all ages, jokes of all time, jokes for teens, jokes about coronavirus, jokes in english,poems, poems for kids, poems about love, poems with the same theme, poems that start with ...

*** नैनाजीका मुक्तकहरु - ३ ***

हिमालझै हाँसिरहनु तिमीलाई मुस्कान सुहाउँछ सजाई राख्नु सँधै शिरमा स्वाभिमान सुहाउँछ मरेर लानु के नै छ र यो एकबारको जिन्दगीमा, बेचेर कहिल्यै नखानु मान्छेलाई ईमान सुहाउँछ । लैजाऊ स्वप्निल सगरको चन्द्रमा तिमीलाई भो मेरो हृदय मञ्जिल भरको उपमा तिमीलाई भो स्निग्ध जूनेली स्पर्श लिएर रात मुस्कुराउँदा झिलमिल प्रेमिल शहरको लालिमा तिमीलाई भो funny post, funny, funny memes, funny facts, funny things to post, funny jokes, funny post for fb, funny post for facebook, funny video, funny pictures, funny jokes, funny jokes for kids, funny jokes for teens, funny jokes to tell, funny jokes clean, funny jokes for adults, funny jokes in spanish, funny jokes 2020, funny jokes dirty, funny jokes to tell your friends, jokes, jokes for kids, jokes post, jokes to post on facebook, jokes in hindi, jokes for all ages, jokes of all time, jokes for teens, jokes about coronavirus, jokes in english,poems, poems for kids, poems about love, poems with the same theme, poems that start wi...