
Showing posts from June, 2012

" बोक्सी " सामाजिक कथा !!

आफु जन्मी खेली हुर्किएको बाग झैं लाग्ने ति बस्ती आज जीवनको उतार्दामा मसानघाटको आकृतिमा आफ्नै नजर सामु मुस्कुराई रहेको आभाष लाग्छ । खै कसरि व्यक्त गरौँ यी समाज र ढडेन झैं लाग्ने मेरो मनको कथा व्यथा ।हो साँच्चै कुनै ढडेन भन्दा कम छैन मेरो मन भनौ जीवन । जहाँ कुनै फूलहरु मुस्कुराउँदैन। तर..तर सबै भोग्न,हेर्न अनि बाँच्न विवश छु । १५ औं बसन्त पार नगर्दै मेरो वैवाहिक जीवन शुरुवात भो । बैशालु उन्मात र लाली नपोतेको स्थितिले होला म त्यति खेर फिक्का थिएँ न कुनै रुप रंग नै थियो न कुनै ज्ञान नै थियो त मात्रै चंचलता । शायद दिन बित्दै जाँदा ऋतुहरु फेरे झैं मेरो सम्पूर्णता फेर्दै गयो क्यारे,१४,१५,१६ हुँदै म मा नयाँ रुप रंग र रहरहरुले बास गर्दै गयो । । जन्मिएको घर र कर्म घरको दुरी ३ घण्टा पैदल यात्रा लाग्थ्यो । उमेरले म १४ वर्ष को भए पनि मलाई एक २५ बर्षे केटो संग विवाह गरिदिनुभएको थियो मेरा बाउ आमाले । पहाडी क्षेत्र एउटा जमिन्दारको छोरा संग विवाह गर्न पाउनु नै मेरो बाउ आमाको अहोभाग्य हो सम्झिनुभो क्या रे मेरो बाबु आमा निक्कै खुशी हुनुहुन्थ्यो । ६ कक्षामा पढ्दै गरेको अवस्थामा कसैको दुलही बनेर सोह्...

Formula For Successful Life ( A - Z )

A - Aim The most important thing to be successful in life is to maintain your Aim .Without knowing what is your aim in life you can't decide what to or what not to do in your life. B -Best Try to be best in whatever field you are for that hard work and labor is the key for these. C - Confidence Believe in yourself and be confident. Always remember this if you don't believe in yourself then no one will believe you. the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali sayari photo, nepali sad status, nepali sayare, funny nepali poem, nepali gajal sangraha, nepali sentimental shayari, nepali saeri, nepali kabata, love poem nepali, nepali poem aama, nepali poen, nepali poems in nepali language, nepali poem for children, nepali lekh haru, gopal singh nepali poems, nepali...

"Acceptance" A Poem By Anu Shah.

"Acceptance” Come take my hand when I’m riding high Give me support when I’m feeling down Ground me to earth on my joyous days In my painful nights, don’t let me drown. Where is my sunshine bring me your light Without you here, my life’s in the dark As my world comes, to total standstill Come on forward and be my bright spark. the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali sayari photo, nepali sad status, nepali sayare, funny nepali poem, nepali gajal sangraha, nepali sentimental shayari, nepali saeri, nepali kabata, love poem nepali, nepali poem aama, nepali poen, nepali poems in nepali language, nepali poem for children, nepali lekh haru, gopal singh nepali poems, nepali poems collection, short nepali poems, nepali sad gajal, muna madan in nepali language, kabi...

Photo Gallary of Lumbini Banijya Campus n Friends

                        Welcome to the one of the finest Public Campus of Nepal. Beautiful Garden of LBC Acedemic Builiding Welcome to Lumbini Banijya Campus Administrative Building the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali sayari photo, nepali sad status, nepali sayare, funny nepali poem, nepali gajal sangraha, nepali sentimental shayari, nepali saeri, nepali kabata, love poem nepali, nepali poem aama, nepali poen, nepali poems in nepali language, nepali poem for children, nepali lekh haru, gopal singh nepali poems, nepali poems collection, short nepali poems, nepali sad gajal, muna madan in nepali language, kabita sangraha, nepali sad love shayari, nepali love, nepali love status, nepal kabita, nepali poem about nepal, nepali sairi, www nepali poem, nepali poem...

The Grater Nepal History (Nepali with Eng. Subtitle)

" TheGreater Nepal " is a popular patriotic documentary movie directed by young energetic movie director Mr. Manoj Pandit. This movie is all about the border dispute between Nepal and India because of the Sugauli Treaty held between east India company of contemporary British regime and government of Nepal.   the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali sayari photo, nepali sad status, nepali sayare, funny nepali poem, nepali gajal sangraha, nepali sentimental shayari, nepali saeri, nepali kabata, love poem nepali, nepali poem aama, nepali poen, nepali poems in nepali language, nepali poem for children, nepali lekh haru, gopal singh nepali poems, nepali poems collection, short nepali poems, nepali sad gajal, muna madan in nepali language, kabita sangrah...

**** अनलाईन प्रेम **** ( कथा )

घडिको सुई भित्तामा कहिले चढ्दै त कहिले ओर्लदै थियो।शुन्यतामा टिक् टिक् आवाज काफी थियो मुटुको धड्कन अझ तेज बनाउन। यस्तै ९ बजेको हुदोँ हो।एक्लै धुम्धुम्ती कोठामा बसिरहेकी मलाई नजिकैको स्योकेशमा राखिएको किताबका खातहरुले टोकुलाँ झै हेर्दै थियो। सुरज गएदेखि मेरो एकान्तको साथी बनेका ती किताबहरुलाई खै किन हो आज पल्टाउनै मन भएन।किन किन मन फुङ् उडेको मरुभुमि जस्तै हुदैंथियो।यस्तो त मलाई कुनै अपशकुन हुनु अगाडी हुने गर्दथ्यो। म निद्रादेविको काखमा लुट्पुटिन आतुर थिएं ।तर आज निन्द्रादेबिले त्यति छिट्टै बोलाउलिन् जस्तो कुनै छाँटकाँट नै देखिन।आँखा उध्रेका बोरा झै खुल्लै रहिरहेथ्यो जति च्यापे पनि।अलि पर हेरें टेबलमा ल्यापटपले मलाई जिस्काईरहेको थियो।म जुरुक्क उठें।ल्यापटप सुम्सुम्याएं। कता कता सुरजलाई नै सुसुम्याउँदै छु जस्तो भान भो। the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali say...

Jokes Sayeri : Funny Nepali Jokes : Nepali Muktak Nepali Hindi sayeri

Nepali Funny Jokes : Naya Purana Nepali Chutkila 35 jokes Funny Nepali Jokes ( Laughter unlimitd) Nepali Jokes ( नेपाली जोक्स, चुटकिला) (Newly  a dded) Nepali N Hindi Sayeri ... .. Nepali Funny Facebook Status,Sayeris,Jokes By Jeetu Bro. . the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali sayari photo, nepali sad status, nepali sayare, funny nepali poem, nepali gajal sangraha, nepali sentimental shayari, nepali saeri, nepali kabata, love poem nepali, nepali poem aama, nepali poen, nepali poems in nepali language, nepali poem for children, nepali lekh haru, gopal singh nepali poems, nepali poems collection, short nepali poems, nepali sad gajal, muna madan in nepali language, kabita sangraha, nepali sad love shayari, nepali love, nepali love status, nepal kabita, nepali po...

Funny Tongue Twisters......!!

Let's refresh your mind by these funny tongue twisters...!!!  1. Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit? 2. I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you. 3. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. 4. Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya. 5. Upper roller lower roller Upper roller lower roller the lunatic poem, laxmi prasad devkota quotes in nepali, nepali ghazal in nepali language, nepali shayari in nepali to english, nepali prem kavita, nepali photo shayari, poems nepali, nepali shayari in nepali, nepali sahityakar, famous nepali poems, love nepal, nepali sayari photo, nepali sad status, nepali sayare, funny nepali poem, nepali gajal sangraha, nepali sentimental shayari, nepali saeri, nepali kabata, love poem nepali, nepali poem aama, nepali poen, nepali poems in nepali language, nepali poem for chi...